Please make sure to read our Terms of Service before making a purchase on our store! Not knowing our terms of service will not make you exempt from punishment!
Trading anything inside GuildCraft for stuff outside GuildCraft (such as paypal money, games, and/or any other kind of possible trade object/perk is strictly forbidden and will result in an immediate permanent ban.
If you do not receive your item(s) within 1 hour, contact us immediately via a support ticket on our Discord.
Purchasing a rank and/or perk for an alt account is not allowed! Purchasing something for your alt account will not exempt your alt from being banned and there will be no refunds!
Payments to the GuildCraft servers is a payment for the virtual items contained in the purchase. This transaction is final and there are no refunds. If you are banned for breaking the rules of the GuildCraft servers, you will not be refunded this money. Bans are subject to the full discretion of the server admins.
Opening a dispute on any of our payment gateways will result on your account being permanently banned from our network and legal actions might be taken against you.
Please note that we are allowed to change ranks, perks, and anything that is sold on the GuildCraft store, along with our Terms of Service without informing you, the buyer, of the change. Those changes can be made at any time and reason.
All information that is required on this webstore is not shared with any other third parties and is stored securely. All payments are processed via SSL enabled gateways and ensure that your payment details are secure. Personal information is collected so that we can fulfill your order and is never shared with any other third parties.
Minecraft is copyright Mojang, AB and is in no way affiliated with GuildCraft. Nor should it be considered a company endorsed by Mojang, AB.
Contact us for support, not Mojang.